University Equity Leadership Council (UELC)

The purpose of University Equity Leadership Council (UELC) is to ensure that concerns about the Penn State campus climate, across the geography of the university, are represented at the highest levels of university leadership, and that we collaboratively and consistently prioritize the value of equity, respect, and belonging in our institution. The body is organized and led by the Vice Provost for Educational Equity and the Associate Vice Provost for Educational Equity and will have opportunities to engage with the Provost and President, and other offices as appropriate, on an annual basis.

Members of the UELC

Seria Chatters, Interim Vice Provost, UELC Committee Chair
Office of the Vice Provost for Educational Equity
314 Old Main | Phone: 814-865-5906

Ashley Patterson, Acting Assistant Vice Provost, UELC Committee Co-chair
Office of the Vice Provost for Educational Equity
313 Old Main | Phone: 814-865-5906

Applied Research Laboratory
1030D Applied Science Building | 814-865-2335

Athletics Diversity and Inclusion Designee
C106A Smith Building, 3000 Ivyside Park, Altoona, PA | Phone: 814-949-5100

College of Agricultural Sciences 
230 Agricultural Administration Building | Phone: 814-865-4244

The Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications
206A Carnegie Building | Phone: 814-863-7991

College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
204 Deike Building | Phone: 814-867-2455

College of Education 
279 Chambers Building | Phone: 814-865-3798

College of Engineering
404 Steidle Building | Phone: 814-689-9394

College of Health and Human Development 
5 Henderson Building | Phone: 814-863-1291

College of Information Sciences and Technology 
E103 Westgate Building | Phone: 814-863-3180

College of Liberal Arts
122 Sparks Building | Phone: 814-863-2510

Division of Development and Alumni Relations
116 Old Main | Phone: 814-863-4826

Eberly College of Science
117 Ritenour Building | Phone: 814-863-8900

Finance & Business
Business and Academic Services Building
Schuylkill Haven, PA, Room 14B | Phone: 570-385-6200

Government and Community Relations
117 Old Main, University Park | Phone: 814-865-6563

Human Resources  
331 Innovation Boulevard, Suite 101E | 814-865-9478  

Intercollegiate Athletics
105C Athletic Administration Building | Phone: 814-863-0429

Millennium Scholars Programs
106 Ritenour Building | Phone: 814-867-5105

Office of Graduate Educational Equity Programs  
111 Kern Graduate Building | Phone: 814-863-1663

Office of Undergraduate Admissions
210 Shields Building | Phone: 814-863-1412

Penn State College of Medicine
700 Crescent Road, Hershey, PA | Phone: 717-531-8521

Penn State Health
500 University Drive, Hershey, PA 17033 | Phone: 717-537-1015

Penn State Harrisburg
777 West Harrisburg Pike, W000 Swatara Building, Middletown, PA 17057 | Phone: 717-948-6297

Penn State Law
252E Katz Building | Phone: 814-867-1261

Penn State Outreach
324 Outreach Innovation Building

Penn State World Campus
128 Outreach Innovation Building | 800-252-3592

Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing
201 Nursing Sciences Building, Room 32 | Phone: 814-863-8215

Schreyer Honors College
100 Simmons Hall | Phone: 814-863-4535

Smeal College of Business
203U Business Building | Phone: 814-865-0983

Student Affairs
LL011 HUB-Robeson Center | Phone: 814-865-2059

Undergraduate Education/Faculty Affairs
417 Old Main | 814-863-1864

University Police and Public Safety
172 University Support Building I | Phone: 814-865-4381

University Police and Public Safety
150 University Support Building | Phone: 814-863-3464

Revised 01-22-2025