About MRC


The Multicultural Resource Center (MRC) provides individual college counseling and educational services for undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds at University Park and assists students in meeting the challenges associated with education and attaining a degree at a major research institution. MRC counselors work with students on a variety of issues, and the staff is dedicated to helping students succeed and graduate from Penn State.

How we differ from academic advisers

MRC counselors work with students in many areas; however, they do not provide the primary assistance for making up students' class schedules, as academic advisers do. Although MRC counselors can give additional insight into course selections, their focus is in helping students develop skills and strategies that lead to success in graduation and beyond.

Comprehensive Studies Program (CSP)

Entering college for the first time anywhere can be quite a shock. At Penn State's University Park campus, the sheer size of the student body, in addition to one’s first experience with campus culture, can be a little overwhelming. To help students adjust, learn to successfully navigate the college experience, and earn their degrees, the Comprehensive Studies Program provides a variety of individualized services for its students.