At Penn State, we are committed to providing a welcoming, encouraging, and empowering environment for students with disabilities to ensure equal access, full participation, and reasonable accommodations for their academic pursuits.

Student Disability Resources (SDR) is responsible for coordinating support services, reasonable academic accommodations, and promoting disability awareness in the university community.

Mon, Mar 3, 1:30PM
Thu, Mar 6, 2:30PM
Mon, Mar 10, 1:30PM

Join the Penn State Chapter of the Diabetes Link

Our mission is to empower young adults with diabetes by providing access to peer connections and resources they need to thrive!

Penn State students find ‘support’ in Chronic Illness Support Group

Facing a chronic illness or disability can create many challenges, but extra issues may arise when the difficulties of college are thrown into the mix. The Chronic Illness Support Group looks to provide those students with a community.