Note-Taking Accommodations

Common note-taking related accommodations provided to qualified students

Student Disability Resources (SDR) engages in an interactive process with each student and reviews requests for accommodations on an individualized, case-by-case basis. Students must provide appropriate documentation that supports the use of any accommodation.

Student Disability Resources provides note-taking support services as an academic accommodation for students with documented disabilities. Note-taking services are not to be used as a substitute for attending class and do not lessen the student’s academic responsibilities.

Class Notes Options

Notes are provided to qualified students in a variety of ways depending on:

  • Format of the course
  • Service availability for a given course
  • What works best for the student


Some courses provide class notes via a course packet, online, or in Canvas.


Jamworks is a note-taking tool that allows students to record lectures and receive detailed notes shortly after class. Access to Jamworks is provided to qualified students at no cost.

Livescribe Smartpen

The Livescribe Smartpen records the lecture while syncing it to the handwritten notes taken by the student.

This method requires the use of the specialized Livescribe Smartpen and special notebooks; both of which are provided to qualifying students at no cost.

Accommodation usage

Students approved to use the note-taking accommodation will be directed to the SDR Audio Recording Agreement. Students must agree with the recording agreement before being able to request access to any of the available note-taking options.

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