White Cane Day
The Student Disability Resource office is partnering with the Bureau of Blindness and Visual Services and the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation to celebrate White Cane Day.
- October 15, 2024
- 12:00 p.m.
- Bank of America Building (Room 103 A, B & C)
On that day, two Orientation and Mobility Specialists will lead an event to provide hands-on opportunities for participants to better understand how some of the commonly used tools, techniques, or adaptations are performed daily by folks who are blind/low vision.
The O&M specialists hope to do the following during the event:
- Discussion of public perception of blindness/visual impairment
- Human Guide techniques – strategies used by someone who is B/VI to travel through an environment with a physical connection/support of someone else. B/VI traveler grasping their guides arm to follow their movement through an environment.
- Protective techniques – strategies used by someone who is B/VI for guarding their body from obstacles within the environment. Protection from open doors along an indoor route, from low hanging branches outdoors, for finding waist high objects like desks/chairs/table tops etc.
- Introduction to a mobility canes (white cane)
- Purposes of the cane – identification as someone who is B/VI, protection from obstacles along a traveled route, information gathering about environment
- How does someone use the cane?
- Hand position, grasp, sweeping the cane and interpreting its feedback
- Traveling stairs
Please submit your RSVP using this form at: White Cane Day Event
Please call 814-863-1807 for more information.